
To all parents

Information on the New Student Parent Education Conference

March 11, 2016To all parents and guardians

Congratulations on your son or daughter's success.

We will be holding an educational meeting for parents of new students as outlined below. Please come along and participate.
Light meals will be provided to parents in attendance in the classroom.

Friday, April 1, 2016 After the Entrance Ceremony and Commemorative Lecture 13:00-14:00

1. Opening speech
2. Explanation of materials
3. Greetings from the Dean or Department Chair
4. Faculty Introduction
5. Educational content
6. Student life
7. Employment situation
8. Question and Answer Session
9. Other

 <Discussion venue>
* Faculty of Human Environment, Department of Cultural and Communication Studies... Room 16501
Department of Living Environment ?????? Classroom 16609
Department of Sport and Health Sciences Department 16606

* Faculty of Faculty of Business Management Department of Business Management... Room 9211
Department of Commercial Sciences ????????? Room 9212

* Faculty of Economics: Multipurpose Hall

* Department of Department of Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Design Technology: Room 15501
Department of Architectural and Environmental Design ?????? Room 13101

* Faculty Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering... Room 5402
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering for Transportation ?? Room 5102
Department Department of Civil Engineering ?? Room 7301
Department Department of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineering ?? Room 5304

*After the entrance ceremony and commemorative lecture, please gather in front of Building 14 and you will be guided to your classrooms from 12:30.
