
Traffic access

Traffic access

route map

area map

Sumido shuttle bus stop

To customers visiting our school

At Sumido Bus Terminal, please receive a visiting card (free of charge) from the security guard and hand it to the driver when boarding the shuttle bus. There is no need to purchase a ticket from the ticket vending machine located at the bus terminal. When you return, please pick up your visit card from the department you visited and use it in the same way. (Does not operate on Sundays)

To all prospective students

On the day of the test, you can board the university shuttle bus from JR Sumido Station by presenting your admission ticket. However, delays are expected due to traffic congestion, etc., so please allow plenty of time when using the bus.
250m from the south side of Sumido Station, shuttle bus from the bus terminal (about 15 minutes)

Access from Nozaki Station

Access by route bus (Kintetsu Bus)

Shin-Ishikiri station → Sangyo University (about 15 minutes)

Higashihanazono Station ? Sangyo University (approx. 25 minutes)

*The travel time is the shortest reference time to the station closest to the university and does not include transfer times.
*The travel time may change depending on various circumstances.
*Journey times are current as of March 2024.

Points to note when using map search services

For those using address search

When using the map search service to search by address, if you search for "3-1-1 Nakagakiuchi, Daito City, Osaka Prefecture", East Campus Building 2 may be displayed as a location. When coming to the central campus where the main building (headquarters building) is located, please search for "4-1-1 Nakagakiuchi, Daito City, Osaka Prefecture" or "4-1 Nakagakiuchi, Daito City, Osaka Prefecture" and find the central campus as the location. Please make sure that you are present before visiting our school.