
Clubs, Circles, and Projects


Award system

Club and circle activities with financial support and awards systems

The university and its supporters' association provide financial assistance and allow club and circle activities to use facilities such as club rooms and practice fields. They also actively support groups and individuals who achieve excellent results by establishing an awards system.
This is because we believe that independent activities through clubs and circles are essential to achieving our university's objectives of nurturing "creative human resources" and contributing to the "development of industrial society" and "human welfare."

For this reason, we ask that you understand the purpose of club and circle activities, regard them as part of your university education, and balance them with your regular lectures, experiments, practical training, and seminars in order to make the most of your time at university.

Our university actively encourages meaningful club and circle activities, and recognizes students through the President's Award System and the Alumni Association Award System.

Various procedures for club and circle activities

On-campus office for club and circle activities

Club Contact

For enquiries and procedures relating to club and circle activities (including applications to relevant departments), please contact the following:

Student Support Division Extracurricular Activities Desk

Student Council and Clubs

Students at our university belong to the Student Government Association.
Club and circle activities are also carried out within the confines of the student council.

Forming a Circle

If you wish to form a new club or organization, please submit the Student Council's "Club Activity Notification Form" along with a "Member List" to the Student Council.
The same applies when there are changes to the registered information, such as changes to group members, group rules, or regulations. If you disband your group, please also notify us immediately.
Please submit a notification of group continuation to the Student Council every year. If your group has been active for more than three years, you will be able to apply to be promoted to a club (a group of like-minded people or a hobby group), and if approved, you will be able to receive various types of assistance.

Project Co-education

Students take the initiative in working on projects with a variety of themes. By actively participating, students will develop practical skills such as "the ability to take the initiative," "the ability to think things through," and "the ability to work in a team." All you need to participate is motivation. Faculty are there to support students, so each student plays a leading role. The basic social skills students develop through interactions with their peers and projects will be very useful in the real world.

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