
To all parents

[Japan Student Services Organization] Handling of sudden changes in household finances for grant scholarships and emergency/emergency loan scholarships for students and pupils from households in areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act following the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

January 9, 2024To all parents and guardians

This is to inform you about the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and the JASSO Disaster Relief Grant for students and pupils in areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act, including information on sudden changes in household finances, emergency and first aid, and support for students.
If you wish to apply after checking the information below, please contact the Scholarship Section.

[Areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act]

Areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act (Student Services Organization page)
*For details on applicable areas, please check the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) website (Areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act).
* Students, etc. from households that have suffered similar disasters in the neighboring areas listed above, as well as students, etc. from households that work in the same areas and whose workplaces have been affected by the disaster, will be treated in accordance with the applicable areas.

[Scholarship Grants (Sudden Change in Household Income)]

Eligibility: Reason for sudden change in household finances: D. The breadwinner is affected by an earthquake, fire, or wind and flood damage, and falls under any of the following:
① One (or both) of the breadwinners dies
② One (or both) of the breadwinners is unable to work for more than six months due to an accident or illness
3) One (or both) of the breadwinners loses their job (only in cases of involuntary unemployment)
4) The disaster has caused a large decrease in household income, such as one (or both) of the breadwinners being missing, missing, or having difficulty finding work.

For details of the program, please see Grant Scholarships (Sudden Change in Household Income) here.

[Emergency and emergency loan scholarships]

Eligibility: Those who have experienced a sudden change in their household finances due to a disaster and wish to receive a scholarship loan (students from households in areas covered by the Disaster Relief Act)

For details of the system, please see the following web page.
Urgent Admission (Type 1 Scholarship)
Emergency Recruitment (Type 2 Scholarship)

Types of Scholarships Loan start date End of loan period
Urgent Admission (Type 1 Scholarship) Any month after January 2024 that the applicant wishes to receive March 2024 (Note)
Emergency Recruitment (Type 2 Scholarship) The month of the applicant's choice after April 2023 Until the end of the study period

(Note) If an individual who is deemed to still need the Category 1 scholarship in 2024 submits an "Application for Continuation of Emergency Recruitment (Category 1 Scholarship)", the loan will continue until the end of the term.

[JASSO Disaster Relief Fund]

Eligible: Students or those whose homes are occupied by their breadwinners have been flooded above the floor level or have been partially destroyed or damaged, and those who have been under evacuation advice from local governments for more than a month.

For details of the system, please see the following web page.
  Support funds for students and international students affected by disasters (JASSO Disaster Support Fund)

【Person in charge】

Student Support Division, Scholarship Section