
Faculty of Engineering, Electronic and Information Engineering

The next-generation solar cell development group (Kenta Hirai, Tomoyo Tanaka, Daisuke Tsutsumi) of the Photonics and Information Science Laboratory (Kusaba Laboratory) of the Department Department of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineering received the President's Award.

The Next Generation Solar Cell Development Group (19L102 Kenta Hirai, 20L056 Tomoyo Tanaka, 19L059 Daisuke Tsutsumi) of the Department of Department of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineering, Photonics Science Laboratory (Kusaba Laboratory) received the President's Table Award. The reason for the award is that Hirai, Tanaka, and Tsutsumi summarized the results of the research they had been working on as part of their graduation research, and Hirai presented a paper titled "Laser Wavelength Dependence of Laser-Induced Nanodot Structures Applied to Silicon Solar Cells" at the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan's Optical Applications and Vision Research Meeting held on December 22, 2023 (location: Tokai University Shonan Campus), which was awarded the Reiwa 5 Outstanding Paper Presentation Award (Basic, Materials, and Common Division Award) by the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
This research is one example of light application research in the field of renewable energy, and the three students presented the results of their independent efforts as their graduation research. The fact that the content of their graduation research, which is the culmination of their university studies, was recognized by the academic society has enhanced the value and honor of our university's education and research, and they were recognized for this.
I am extremely happy to receive the President's Award, as it represents recognition by the academic community for the hard work and dedication I have put into my graduation research, and to have my university present me with an award at the graduation ceremony.

Next Generation Solar Cell Development Group