
Academic Affairs Division Textbook Sales (Announcement from the Book Center)

For textbook sales for the first semester of 2024, you must apply online. Applications will not be accepted or sold at the campus store.
You can choose to receive your package by either home delivery (delivery fees required) or on-campus pickup (no delivery fees required).
The on-campus pick-up location is Osaka Sangyo University Building 16, 3rd floor, Hall 90. *The location is expected to be particularly crowded during the first week of classes, so please arrive early.
For details, please check here (you will need to log in with your university-issued Gmail address to view it).

Textbook sales

Purchase of textbooks
Please apply here (MyKiTS). (Online application period: Wednesday, March 27th - Monday, April 22nd)

Contact information

【担当者】 株式会社紀伊國屋書店 大阪第一営業部
【対応期間】 2024年3月27日~4月22日 10:00~17:00(土日祝日を除く)
【お願い】 お問い合わせの際は、学籍番号とお名前を必ず明記して下さい。