Faculty of Economics Department of International Economics
International society is changing day by day
Producing human resources who can lead
Faculty of Economics Department of International Economics
International society is changing day by day
Producing human resources who can lead
Informatization and internationalization progress
Unraveling economic and social issues
Acquire the ability to lead to solutions
Students learn about the world economy by paying attention to the movement of money not only domestically but also overseas, and acquire a global perspective. We will develop a sense of balance that allows you to act in accordance with the flow of money, and the ability to lead in an increasingly integrated and fluidized international society.
Small group exercises (seminar)
Full of basic learning
The basic seminars that students take from the first semester of their first year are filled with basic learning such as how to write notes, reports, and papers necessary for university life.
The key to studying economics
Subjects related to “life”
Before learning specialized subjects, build the basics of economics through introductory subjects related to "life." Increase your desire to learn while feeling familiar with economics.
Looking ahead to your career path after graduation
Strengthen career education
"Career education-related subjects" allow students to engage in practical learning such as corporate research and internships that will help them become more aware of who they will be after graduation.
Learn economics from multiple angles
Establishment of a wide range of specialized subjects
Economics is deeply related to daily life. In order to cover this wide range of fields, we have established a variety of specialized subjects related to daily life and the local community.
We have a complete support system in place to help you achieve your desired career path. You can also aim for a higher-grade career path, such as entering a prestigious private company, civil service, or entering Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School school.
A course specialized in tourism business has been established. Through practical education related to tourism, we develop the skills to be immediately effective and develop human resources who can contribute to society upon graduation.
A course aimed at passing the civil service exam without double schooling. This unique curriculum in collaboration with a vocational school can be taken from the first year to the fourth year.
?Ms. Masuzu Ishikawa
Activities of the University Festival Executive Committee
For future sustenance
In my first and second years, I took classes in a wide range of fields including economics, and am currently working on the SDGs and food loss issues. In addition to my studies, I am also Human Resources Department of the University Festival Executive Committee, which I have been involved with since my first year. I am conscious of building a team in which everyone takes the initiative in tackling their own work by adding my own individuality to the way I have been working as Human Resources Department. I feel that I have gained a lot of experience that will be useful even after I enter the workforce, such as giving explanations to participating groups, coordinating schedules, and managing security shifts on the day.
Risa Ito
While learning about SDGs
I want to improve my problem-solving skills
In the seminar, we are learning about companies' efforts towards SDGs. Our group's theme is food loss, so our problem-solving skills are improved as we propose various solutions. I became interested in the SDGs after participating in food bank activities in my high school student council, so it's really fun to study a topic that interests me at university.
Since seminars are held in small groups starting from the first year, students can hone their communication skills through presentations and exchanging opinions.
1st year
Learning how to learn
Learn introductory economics
Small group exercises (seminar) also started
2nd year
Basic skills development
While continuing basic learning
Explore your interests and aptitudes
3rd year
Applied skill development
While learning more about your specialized field,
Develop economic and social analytical skills
4th year
graduation research
The theme of the paper
There are a wide range of career options after graduation!
1st year
Exercise subjects | Basic exercises 1 and 2 |
Introductory economics subjects | Life and Economy / Life and Money / Life and Law / Introduction to Macroeconomics / Introduction to Microeconomics / Japanese Economic Theory 1 / Asian Economic Theory / Public Finance 1 / Finance Theory / Financial Planning / Economic Geography / Social Economics A / Economics History/Social history/Bookkeeping/Accounting etc. |
practical subjects | Business etiquette/Career course A (career design)/Overview of foreign history, etc. |
2nd year
Exercise subjects | Basic Exercise 3/Specialized Exercise 1 |
Economics basic subjects | Macroeconomics / Microeconomics / Japanese Economic Theory 2 / Economic Policy / International Economics / Japanese Economic History / Economic Statistics / Social Economics B / Social Security Theory / Public Finance 2 / Social Policy / History of Social Thought / History of Economics A/Regional economic theory/World economic theory/Western economic history/Tourism theory/Tourism economic theory/Data analysis theory 1 and 2/Economic mathematics, etc. |
practical subjects | Intercultural Communication Theory / Legal Subjects (Civil Law / Commercial Law / Economic Law / Administrative Law / Labor Law) / Business Practice / Business English Exercises / Economic English Exercises / Business Chinese Exercises / Economic Chinese Exercises / Overseas Training A, B, C /Field Study A/B/Introduction to Japanese History, etc. |
3rd year
Exercise subjects | Specialized exercises 2 and 3 | |
practical subjects | Legal Subjects (International Law) / Business Japanese Exercises / Practical Japanese Writing Exercises / Introduction to Oriental History / Introduction to Geography / Topography / Introduction to Physical Geography / Introduction to Ethics, etc. | |
Department of International Economics Applied Subjects | Comparative social theory / International human rights theory / International relations theory / Tourism policy theory / Regional finance theory / East Asian economic theory / Development economic theory / International cooperation theory / European economic theory / Southeast Asian economic theory / Chinese economic theory / American economic theory / Trade Theory/International Finance Theory/Cultural Studies Special Lecture on International Economics A/Special Lecture on International Economics B, etc. |
4th year
Exercise subjects | Specialized Seminar 4/5/Graduation Thesis |
Kimura seminar
This seminar has a common theme of "Social Welfare," and in the first half of the third year, all students in the seminar share reading and reporting on basic literature. In the second half of the third year, students decide their own individual themes. Find literature based on your theme, read it, summarize it, present it at the seminar, and get opinions from the members. In the fourth year, students write a graduation thesis.
Lee seminar
This seminar is based on the new employee training program of the corporate planning department of a major company. Specifically, we work on assignments like a project and engage in team activities with multiple members. By experiencing the working atmosphere in a real working environment, we value the idea of ``Let's try it!'' and create a sense of excitement. In addition, when setting assignments, we incorporate a number of tools that are perfect for participatory classes, such as economics simulations and trade games, in accordance with the learning status of seminar students.
Private enterprises
㈱伊藤園/今治造船㈱/㈱キーエンス/㈱クマヒラ/クリナップ㈱/ニコニコのり㈱/パタゴニア?インターナショナル?インク/フジパングループ本社㈱/㈱明治/ヤンマーホールディングス㈱/㈱ユーハイム/リコージャパン㈱/㈱ワールド ほか
大阪市高速電気軌道㈱[大阪メトロ]/関西丸和ロジスティクス/近畿日本鉄道㈱/近畿日本ツーリスト㈱/京阪電気鉄道㈱/㈱JR西日本交通サービス/東武トップツアーズ㈱/西日本電信電話㈱[NTT西日本]/西日本旅客鉄道㈱[JR西日本]/㈱フジドリームエアラインズ ほか
㈱アルペン/イオンリテール㈱/伊藤忠食糧㈱/㈱カインズ/㈱コスモス薬品/㈱コロワイド/㈱しまむら/㈱ファミリーマート/㈱平和堂/ルイ?ヴィトンジャパン㈱ ほか
尼崎信用金庫/大阪厚生信用金庫/㈱関西みらい銀行/㈱かんぽ生命保険/北おおさか信用金庫/きのくに信用金庫/㈱京都銀行/桑名三重信用金庫/住友生命保険相互会社/損害保険ジャパン㈱/東海東京証券㈱/日本郵政㈱/㈱百十四銀行/明治安田生命保険総合会社 ほか
住友不動産販売㈱/住友林業ホームサービス㈱ /積水ハウス㈱ /大和ハウス工業㈱ /㈱福屋ホールディングス/三井不動産リアルティ㈱ ほか
カトープレジャーグループ/京都やましろ農業協同組合(JA京都やましろ)/公益財団法人青少年野外活動総合センター/綜合警備保障㈱/㈱帝国データバンク/奈良県農業協同組合(JAならけん)/㈱ホテル京阪マネジメント/湯快リゾート㈱/リゾートトラスト㈱/独立行政法人労働者健康安全機構/和歌山県商工会連合会/ワタベウェディング㈱ ほか
public sector
大阪市役所/新温泉町役場/みなべ町役場/伊丹消防局/大阪市消防局/豊岡市消防本部/枚方寝屋川消防組合/福井市消防局/松江市消防本部/警視庁/大阪府警察本部/京都府警察本部/奈良県警察本部/兵庫県警察本部/財務局[近畿財務局]/防衛省[自衛官]/法務省[刑務官] ほか
Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School
大阪産業大学大学院/大阪教育大学大学院/大阪公立大学大学院/大阪大学大学院/関西大学大学院/神戸大学大学院/明治大学大学院/立命館大学大学院/和歌山大学大学院 ほか
National qualification
Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation
*1 It is necessary to complete the required course credits in the teacher training course.
Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation
*2 You must earn at least 62 credits required for graduation requirements.
Public/private qualifications
Qualifications that can be obtained at the same time as graduation
*3 Requires completion of specific subjects and graduation.
Qualifications you would like to aim for while attending school or after graduation
Educational and research objectives
Department of International Economics focuses on the economic society of Japan and the world, where the informationization and internationalization of economic society is progressing, and the research objective is to elucidate the various issues surrounding the harmony between diversity and universal values. The results will be the power to lead an increasingly integrated and fluidized international society by fusing the spirit of respecting honest effort and the scholarship of economics in light of the school's founding spirit, by abandoning self-centeredness and pursuing a hands-on approach. The educational objective is to produce human resources with the following skills.
Educational goals/
three policies