TH?C ??N

資料請求はコチラ お問い合わせはコチラ

留学生の方 For international students

Ph??ng th?c d?ch/Ph??ng th?c d?ch/Ph??ng pháp d?ch/Ph??ng th?c d?ch

    • 画面上部にある翻訳ボタンから、言語を選択してください。
    • Select your language from the buttons at the top of the screen.
      ※Please note that there may be pages that are not eligible for translation and the translation button will not be displayed.
    • ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????.
      ※?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????.
    • Ch?n ng?n ng? c?a b?n t? các nút ? ??u màn hình.
      ※Xin l?u ? r?ng có m?t s? trang kh?ng ?? ?i?u ki?n d?ch và nút d?ch s? kh?ng hi?n th?.
    • 从屏幕顶部的按钮中选择您的语言。